Die Suche ergab 27 Treffer

von kva
16 Jul 2020, 08:05
Forum: Allgemeine und aktuelle Informationen
Thema: Größtes Kamel-Krankenhaus eröffnet in Saudi-Arabien
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 49947

Größtes Kamel-Krankenhaus eröffnet in Saudi-Arabien

"Sie sind teuer, beliebt - und müssen auch mal zum Arzt: Die Nachfrage nach Kamel-Operationen steigt. In Saudi-Arabien hat nun das bislang größte Zentrum zur medizinischen Erforschung und Behandlung der Tiere eröffnet." DER SPIEGEL, 16.07.2020 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/saudi-a...
von kva
27 Nov 2019, 19:02
Forum: Literatur zur artgerechten Haltung von Großkamelen/Altweltkamelen
Thema: Gabriele Heidicke, Kamelhof Nassenheide (2011): „Kamele sind anders“
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 66448

Gabriele Heidicke, Kamelhof Nassenheide (2011): „Kamele sind anders“

[nbsp] Gabriele Heidicke (2011): „Kamele sind anders – Trampeltiere in Mitteleuropa. Sozialverhalten – Haltungsproblematik – Reiten und Therapie“. VerlagsKG Wolf, 1. Auflage, 118 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-89432-250-2 (Softcover). Verlagsinformation (VerlagsKG Wolf): [nbsp] Link: https://www.neuebrehm.de/b...
von kva
26 Nov 2019, 19:01
Forum: Literatur zur artgerechten Haltung von Großkamelen/Altweltkamelen
Thema: Wilhelm Breitling, vormals Kamelhof Rotfelden (2016): „Ein Leben mit Kamelen“
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 67454

Wilhelm Breitling, vormals Kamelhof Rotfelden (2016): „Ein Leben mit Kamelen“

[nbsp] Wilhelm Breitling (2016): „Ein Leben mit Kamelen: Geschichten, Erfahrungen sowie Ratschläge für die Haltung“. Morija Verlag, Wildberg, 1.[nbsp]Auflage, 240 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-945178-00-3 (Gebunden). [nbsp] Verlagsinformation (Morija): Link : [nbsp] https://www.morijashop.de/epages/64539168.sf...
von kva
18 Nov 2019, 02:33
Forum: <Topics in English : Notes on Using This Board>
Thema: README first: Notes on Registration
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 73740

README first: Notes on Registration

[nbsp] PLEASE READ BEFORE REGISTRATION!!! [nbsp] The registration of new users does not take place directly , but has to be activated by administrators after submitting the required data. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION : Due to the constantly increasing number of SPAM registrations by bots, a question...
von kva
09 Okt 2019, 17:11
Forum: Material from the Australian website “Camel Connection”...
Thema: “7 Helpful Tips for Camel Care and Camel Husbandry”
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 56070

“7 Helpful Tips for Camel Care and Camel Husbandry”

From the CamelConnection.Com website: “7 Helpful Tips for Camel Care and Camel Husbandry” (2019-10-01)
[use middle or right mouse key to open links in new window]

© Camel Connection
von kva
09 Okt 2019, 17:07
Forum: “Recommendations for Species-Appropriate Animal Husbandry of Old World Camels in Europe”
Thema: Herd Structure
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 65263

Herd Structure

Camels are social animals, keeping camelids solitarily is not species-appropriate. [/b] For the formation of a camel group, gender, age and constitution (body weight) of the animals is important. In the wild camels live in same sex herd structures, preferably with individuals of similar age. In Eur...
von kva
08 Okt 2019, 16:49
Forum: Material from the Australian website “Camel Connection”...
Thema: Free Camel Training eBook and Video
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 59382

Free Camel Training eBook and Video

Australian Camel Connection ’s free to download material: “Learn the 5 must-have skills you should have in order to train & handle camels without causing ‘camel confusion’” https://camelconnection.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/paperbackbookstanding_849x1126-510x676.png © Camel Connection “>>> R...
von kva
28 Sep 2019, 19:43
Forum: “Recommendations for Species-Appropriate Animal Husbandry of Old World Camels in Europe”
Thema: Stable, Enclosure and Fences
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 61597

Stable, Enclosure and Fences

A stable or shelter is absolutely essential. [/b] It´s function is to protect the animals from humidity, from intensive sun, from insects, to protect dromedaries from cold in winter and to protect young or sick animals from cold. The stable always has to be unheated. It should be breezily, very bri...
von kva
28 Sep 2019, 19:41
Forum: “Recommendations for Species-Appropriate Animal Husbandry of Old World Camels in Europe”
Thema: Feeding
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 60638


In the wild camels feed on dry grass and thorny shrubs. Their digestion is consequently adapted to this type of food, which has to be considered for their food supply. Their daily basic diet consists of rough food, water and salt and as dietary supplement as needed selenium and vitamin E. With these...
von kva
28 Sep 2019, 19:38
Forum: “Recommendations for Species-Appropriate Animal Husbandry of Old World Camels in Europe”
Thema: Care
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 59844


Besides feeding the animals, daily tasks of care consist of cleaning. Stable and enclosure should be cleaned from urine and faeces daily. By taking a look at each animal and it`s droppings daily they can be controlled for signs of illness. Measures of hygiene Care of the fur Grooming does not exclus...