README first: Notes on Registration

Efforts will be made to present all topics of this board in English to enable exchange with non-German speakers - for posts in the German sections, please consult your favourite online translation service.
Site Admin
Beiträge: 51
Registriert: 01 Mai 2019, 23:03

README first: Notes on Registration

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The registration of new users does not take place directly, but has to be activated by administrators after submitting the required data.

CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION: Due to the constantly increasing number of SPAM registrations by bots, a question is asked at the end of the registration process ("Wie lautet der deutsche Fachbegriff für Tierheilkunde?"), namely, to type in the German academic term for veterinary medicine (the answer in German with sixteen letters, beginning with a capital "V", and including one "ä" is expected to make it more difficult for foreign SPAM bots to automate).

Registered users and guests are then divided into the following categories, with correspondingly different user permissions (which forums, where read and/or write permissions):
  • Veterinarians
    To allow administrators to verify one’s status as a Veterinarian, it is absolutely essential to enter both occupation or title (in full or abbreviated) as well as first name and surname (fully written out) in the field "User Name" consecutively in one line when registering (having agreed to the Terms of Use). Examples: "Veterinarian John Doe" or "Jane Doe, DVM"
    [This initial user name - not the email address! - will also serve as the user name of your first login, but can then be changed by yourself to simplify the user name for subsequent logins]
  • Agronomists or Biologists
    In order to verify one’s status as Researcher in the Agricultural Sciences or Biological Sciences, this must be stated during registration: After accepting the terms of use, please state in the field "User Name" your first name and last name] (fully written out) plus your academic degree and, if possible, your present affiliation (university/institution/location). Example": "Dr. John Doe, FAO Rome" or "Jane Doe, PhD, Duke University)"
    [This initial user name - not the email address! - will also serve as the user name of your first login, but can then be changed by yourself to simplify the user name for subsequent logins]
  • Students of Veterinary Medicine
    To verify your status as a Student of Veterinary Medicine, this must be stated during registration: after agreeing to the Terms of Use, please state in the field "User Name" in a continuous line first name and last name (fully written out) plus student and affiliation (university/location). Examples: "John Doe,, Bangalore" or "Jane Doe, student veterinary medicine, University of California, Davis)"
    [This initial user name - not the email address! - will also serve as the user name of your first login, but can then be changed by yourself to simplify the user name for subsequent logins]
  • Camel Owners or Camel Keepers
    To allow administrators to verify the status of private Camel Owner or institutional Camel Keeper, the following shall be indicated in the field "User Name" in a continuous line during registration (after consent to the terms of use): first name and surname (written out in full) and the designation camel owner or camel keeper, or name of your facility or name of the zoo/animal park. Examples: "John Doe, cameleer" or "Jane Doe, zoo keeper" or "John Doe, Camel Range Southern Podunk JWD" or "Jane Doe, Bronx Zoo, NY"
    [This initial user name - not the email address! - will also serve as the user name of your first login, but can then be changed by yourself to simplify the user name for subsequent logins]
  • Guests (unregistered users)
    The two categories " Notes on Using This Board" and "Services & Information" can generally be viewed without registration - however, unregistered users/guests have no write access, and all other categories and forums remain invisible to them.
Registration_01.jpg (165.91 KiB) 84731 mal betrachtet
(With "Language" you can specify that you want your user interface in English -- British, that is)

